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Labor education activities for international education college students

Source:cie Time:2022-05-23

In order to guide international students to receive education in labor, cultivate their spirit of hard-working, hard-working and studious, and establish correct labor values. On the afternoon of May 17, the School of International Education organized international students to come to China to carry out labor education practice activities with the theme of "painting walls and beautifying the environment".

Under the guidance of the teacher, after distributing the tools, the international students immediately took action. They have a clear division of labor, shoveling ash, wiping walls, painting, and each process is very serious. Labor scene, a lively scene, the students are full of spirit, full of energy, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired, after nearly three hours of hard work, the external wall of the dormitory building of the international student apartment has been renewed. Dai Qian, a Nepalese student who participated in the labor, said: "It is very rewarding to see the walls painted by everyone together, and it also allows us to experience the joy of labor. ”

(Written by: Huang Pengbo; Photo by: Ma Shengyuan;Reviewed by: Wei Bing)
