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A Ceremony and a Reply Letter Make International Students Know More about Communist Party of China

Source:CIE Time:2021-07-23

To celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and make the international students know more about China’s rapid changes, College of International Education organized its international students who stayed on Dongcheng campus to watch together the Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist Party of China, and study the General Secretary, Xi Jinping’s letter in reply to the international students of Peking University on July 2.

The scene wasquietwhile the students were watching the ceremony. They concentrated on the speech of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission. Paswan, a Nepalese student sitting in the front, nodded his head again and again. He said,“I have been living in Guilin for 5 years. During these years, I witnessed the great achievements of CPC in leading the people to develop the economy, alleviate the poverty and fight against the pandemic. CPC not only strives to make China better, but also proposed the Belt and Road Initiative that is benefiting inumerable peole in the world. CPC is remarkable!”

While studying the letter, the international student Asmat Ullah, who led the reading, felt quite excited. He said,“China is a charming country, and the Chinese culture is long in history and rich in connotation. As it is said in the letter,‘seeing is believing’. As a Pakistani student in China, I should be a good spokesperson of my country, and I also have the duty to introducethereal China and become a messenger and bridge for the two countries’cultural exchanges.”

President Xi Jinping’s plain, practical, robust and encouraging speech and letter aroused international students’warm response, and gave a definite direction for College of International Education to enhance the education on China’s conditions, CPC’s history and mainstream values for international students, and promote GLMU’s high-quality development of its international education in the new era.

(Written by: Huang Pengbo; Photo by: Li Chenhong; Reviewed by: Wei Bing;

Translated by: Zhang Yuming)
