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A Visit to "Salvation Daily" Makes International Students Feel The Charm Of Red Culture

Source:cie Time:2021-09-10

At the beginning of the new semester, the Institute of International Education organized international students to visit the former site of guilin's "Salvation Daily" and opened the first lesson of the series of courses on ideological and political education for international students in China, and felt the unique charm of red culture.

Under the guidance and explanation of the teacher, the international students carefully visited the documents, historical pictures and precious cultural relics in the museum, learned about the important role played by the "Salvation Daily" in promoting the Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement of the Chinese Nation, and felt the real scene of the study, work and life of the revolutionary ancestors of the Communist Party of China and the revolutionary spirit of not fearing hardships and dangers. The international student from Nepal said beautifully: "Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has developed from a poor and backward country to an economic power now, which is really remarkable. I hope that there will be more opportunities to visit and study in the future and learn more about China's political, economic, social and other aspects. ”

Through this visit, the international students deeply felt the history of the CPC's century-long struggle and the glory years of the Chinese revolution, and enhanced their sense of identification with the Chinese road and Chinese culture, which is also a positive attempt by our school to carry out special education on party history for international students and improve the comprehensive quality of international students in China.

(Written by: Huang Pengbo; Photo by: Ma Shengyuan;Reviewed by: Wei Bing)
